Saturday 7 September 2024

Good thoughtful question on Binary search on answers

Problem link:


//import java.util.Arrays;

class Solution {
    public int maxPossibleScore(int[] start, int d) {
        Arrays.sort(start); // Ensure the start array is sorted

        long head = 0, tail = (long) 2e9;
        while (head < tail) {
            long mid = (head + tail + 1) / 2; // Try the middle gap value
            if (check(mid, start, d)) {
                head = mid; // Gap is valid, try for a larger gap
            } else {
                tail = mid - 1; // Gap is not valid, reduce the gap
        return (int) head; // Maximum minimum gap found

    // Function to check if a given gap 'lim' is valid
    public static boolean check(long lim, int[] start, int d) {
        long now = start[0];  // Start with the first number

        // for each mid you are checking whether it is within the range of each
        // interval and if it is then you are checking with greater gap that is
        // mid value otherwise if not then you are reducing by mid-1
        for (int i = 1; i < start.length; i++) {
            now = Math.max(now + lim, start[i]);  // Pick the maximum valid number
            if (now > start[i] + d) return false; // If exceeds the range, return false
        return true; // Gap is valid for all picks

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Good thoughtful question on Binary search on answers

Problem link: Solution: //import java.util.Arrays; class So...