Sunday 4 December 2022

Learning more will never be a disadvantage

Hello world, 🙏

Every novice in programming get stuck with a basic problem WHICH LANGUAGE DO THEY PREFER? They are advised by the most to not follow C language. They should directly jump into some language supporting OOPs. Well, I disagree here as C language gives you an encapsulated feel of MEMORY architecture which is paramount topic in CS . Also, learning more will never be a disadvantage. It will only act as a boon.

You can read an article by Mario Galindo Queralt related to this topic below which I found on Quora. I am attaching the link of the same below.


Why do universities teach C and C++, though they are regarded as the most difficult languages and there are better alternatives? C and C++ aren’t expanding and will be dead in 30 years, but Stanford, Harvard and U Mich use C++ as a primary language.



You are totally uninformed. C++ is expanding a lot. The latest version is C++17, next year the C++20 version is being issued, the committee is working hard on C++23 and C++26 is scheduled.

You believe that C and C++ will be dead in 30 years. That belief is based entirely on unsubstantiated speculation. If you don't know anything about the present, less can you know about the future.

In spite of that, 30 years of prognosis in the future is a great deal of time for CS. Therefore, it is feasible to consider that everything, yes EVERYTHING, what exists today in CS will somehow be dead in 30 years. Based on this presumption, should you, and everyone, stop studying absolutely everything today?

Stanford and Harvard are among the most important engineering universities in the world. You must trust their teachers when they choose C and C++ as their primary computer languages. Believe me, they know much more than you.

Therefore, if something is difficult for you, I recommend that you study it more, instead of looking for false arguments to modify what is taught in the university. Do not pretend to teach your teachers, it is the other way around, they are the ones who teach and you who learn.


Link to read above on Quora:  Why do universities teach C and C++, though they are regarded as the most difficult languages and there are better alternatives? C and C++ aren’t expanding and will be dead in 30 years, but Stanford, Harvard and U Mich use C++ as a primary language. - Quora

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